All lyrics are copyright (C) and not to be reproduced without permission

A Headful of Fancies (2015)

Picture of album artwork, click for bigger picture 1. Don't Fail Me Now, My Heart
2. England
3. They'll Always Need Love
4. Dance of the Hobgoblins
5. Always Be One    6. One of Your 5-a-Day
7. Things Can Always Get Worse    8. Little Things Blues
9. Day's Run Away    10. Penultimate Orders
11. Happy Stranger

Be Where You Are (2009)

Picture of album artwork, click for bigger picture 1. It Might Not Rain Everywhere
2. One Day The First Shall Be Last
3. Oh, For A Dream
4. You Won't Tell Me What To Think
5. What's It Take To Make You Smile Again?
6. Sleep My Baby    7. Your House    8. I'd Just Rather Be Me
9. Be Where You Are    10. I Feel Alive
11. How Did We Make It To Here?    12. Hold On

Still A Beautiful World (2007)

Picture of album artwork, click for bigger picture 1. You Lift Me
2. Into The Storm
3. Can't Help But Miss The Sun
4. One False Move
5. Something To Shout About
6. Middle Of The Road
7. Standing Or Falling    8. Lost    9. Maybe Is Just A Word
10. Down By The Riverside    11. Still A Beautiful World

Right, Where Was I? (2003)

Picture of album artwork, click for bigger picture 1. Tired Of Starting Again
2. Ticket Home
3. Send In The Love
4. Eat Away The Rainbow
5. Count Them All
6. There's Always A Boat Going Nowhere
7. Wasting My Time
8. Why Is Love So Hard?
9. I Wasn't Late For You    10. All Is Never Done

Ta Verry Much (1993)

Picture of album artwork, click for bigger picture 1. Dominate The World
2. Mayday
3. White Collar Working Man
4. Look On
5. Somebody Nobody
6. Dirky And The Cavemen
7. Got To Be A Rebel
8. Not Giving Up

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