Category Archives: Video

Larks in Lockdown

The Lost Larks have been busy creating, both individually and collaboratively! Here’s Tom’s “Tower of Refuge”, a plea to the gods for rescue. We recorded all our parts separately and Tom painstaking put the video together whilst Den mixed the audio.

Tower of Refuge

Phil created his first YouTube video, illustrating his song praising key workers, written years before the pandemic started.

Safety Pin Man

Den did his bit to encourage the spread of disinformation about COVID19, with his song warning that everything you read on the internet and WhatsApp is of course completely true.


Tom also had fun filming himself in various states of disrepair when making a video to his solo song “Drowning My Sorrows”. We were in the early stages of a Larks arrangement of this song when lockdown struck!

Drowning My Sorrows


The Lost Larks

A video for each Lark!

The complete set of 4 videos we did recently.

This is how we sound live. No overdubs or anything. Just us Larks, a bunch of cameras and mikes, Andy and Tom pressing the record and stop buttons and pulling it all together.


Tom’s “Autumn”
Paddy’s “Ambition”
Den’s “Don’t Fail Me Now, My Heart”
Phil’s “Caroline”

Live video added

We’re really pleased to showcase some video of how we sound live. This is how good we sound – no overdubs or anything! Tom and his mate Andy got a bunch of cameras, mikes, and lighting units, and we just played and sang.

More video to come soon!